Featured Resources & Services
Our Mission is Simple, Get More People on Bikes! - https://thebikespaces.com/ The Bike Spaces was founded in 2000 as one of Tampa County's very first Schwinn shops. It is rumored that our store in Tampa was home to some of the first mountain bikes in the country. Cycling has changed dramatically as the decades have rolled by, but The Bike Spaces has never wavered from our total dedication to the sport. Today, The Bike Spaces is a growing family of bike shops, all with a singular purpose - to get as many people on bikes as possible. We operate twelve wildly successful stores in Tampa and Paris! Our professional staff of over 20 cycling enthusiasts will ensure that your experiences both in the store and on your bike are the best they can be. Why shop with us? Because we know bikes and we care. We don't sell snowboards, we don't sell kayaks and we don't sell tents. We only sell bikes - you might even say bikes are our life. Why does that matter? Because this utter fanaticism for our product makes us the best at what we do - We live to create cyclists. - [Read more] |
Breaking News & Articles
Old School 101 [21Aug2020] In 1951, a 66 year old man wasn’t allowed to enter a 1800km (1118 miles) long bicykle race due to being to old. He showed up anyways and won the race by biking for days without sleep. He got the nickname ”Grandpa Steel”. [Read More] | |