Samsung Galaxy Fold Sold Out, Some People Paying $4,000 For One |
Date Added: September 19, 2019 01:37:40 AM |
Author: Sutra Web Directory |
Category: Computers & Mobile |
Sure, Samsung may be artificially holding back on the initial number of manufactured units of the Galaxy Fold, but the fact that all phones sold out within minutes and there’s people who are paying more than $4,000 for one is just pure madness.
I’m a fan of foldable phones myself. I think they are cool and, once the kinks are all ironed out and they get thinner, they will be what everyone uses. And I’m sure that the Galaxy Fold will end being a success. But I would never pay $2,000, let alone more than $4,000 like people in Hong Kong are doing with imported units from South Korea. ~ via TomsGuide |